Pierre Untereiner
In 1971, he saw the technological revolution of integrated circuits with the advent of the computer. With pioneering spirit, visionary, he has been passionate during all his career on how to put at the service of organizations, humanity, the contributions of new technologies. He naturally advised and assisted institutions and companies from all sectors in different countries in the management of changes and strategic projects.
Pierre Untereiner, born in 1952 has an extensive experience in management and consulting and as an international entrepreneur and corporate management, founder and manager of its own investment fund, strong skills in investment and business development. Pierre has always been one of the pioneers, with a vision for the future. From his formation at the end of the 60's, and his career start in 1971, he participated in the industrial and technological revolution brought about by the arrival of the first transistors, then electronic chips. In the 1970s he led the European project to build and maintain the 1st one electronic computer for the European Economic Community, managing European Technical Center construction and then an international team of more than 100 people from six countries. Pierre has been an actor and contributor to the introduction and development of technology in its practical application by society, especially with the introduction of the first computers (mainframe), then personal computers, then LAN, WAN, finally mobiles on the market and their use by institutions, industries, business companies. A revolution that in turn has given birth to the new technological, economic and social revolution that the world was going through last decades.
In 1986, Pierre then became the entrepreneur and he entered into the investment and the launch and development of his first own companies. Developping then structuring them in his private group with his investment holding that gathers subsidiaries. His personal interventions were with PPG Boussois (glass industry), Park Davis (pharma), Total (oil), Saic Velcorex - DMC (textil group), Snecma/Safran Group (telco & plane motors), Technicatome / Areva Group (nuclear industry), Cairpsa/Carpreca (pension and social insurance), CNP Assurances, Town halls and social housing companies, OECD, Messier-Bugatti (automotive & aviation), VW, PSA (automotive), Alcatel group (telco), Bouygues Télécommunications (telco), Société Générale (bank), BPCE Group (bank & savings bank), SNCF (railways company). His main activities were to the definition of strategy, organisation, manager assistance, technology migration and change management, business management and his main tasks essentially related to investment management and setting up and lead strategic projects.
Since 2004, Pierre has been running a private Luxembourg equity and holding company that manages financial contributions in projects as well as consulting and international development. He define a corporate strategy for direct investment abroad. He developed the business and investment. Pierre sets up several new companies in IT, new technology, real estate, international trade, and invest, advise and support some others. In 2005 he designed and negotiated with governments of the sub-Saharan zone, banks and the World Bank an ecosystem aiming to solve a recurrent problem, that of housing and home ownership by the population. The project involved the construction of +220,000 low cost houses. A concept and a building technology have been devised allowing the daily delivery of two ready-to-use houses each day at each site, creating local employment, economic growth, social and cultural improvement and the pride of each employee in building their own home. Pierre bring to projects and business his skills and a vast field experience. It sets up and leads the operations, the investment projects and the business development both at the startup level and at the state level, that in Europe, since 2005 in Africa and since 2006 in Latin America. To support his action, in 2012, Pierre setup his own investment fund. One is Real Estate fund, the second is Private-Equity to give the means to carry out investment projects selected from around the world. Pierre wants to reconcile investors with the pioneers, inventors, entrepreneurs that make the economy and thus ensure social development and build the future.
Currently Pierre is very excited to be able to participate in the new technological revolution that has started with digitalization, the Internet of Thinks, Big Data and its correlates such as Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, but also Bio- technologies, space conquests, cybersecurity, new construction technologies, new town planning, fooding, energy, health care and the challenge that Homo Sapiens must meet on Earth in relation to its environment, natural resources, demography, all of which will structure the future. A whole new era is opening, a new world and civilization must be built, everything remains to be invented. Don't be afraid, let's move forward together ! Pierre is married with two children. His other passions : take off an flying as a private pilot, music, design, technology and travel to discover the world : people, nature, fauna, opportunities and new ideas. You can discuss with Pierre in French, English, German, Portuguese,... because he loves languages and exchange, to learn and help you to success your projects or resolving issues.