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Technology Seminars

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Logosworld Education Overview (PDF) (1.54 MB) 1.54 MB
Management sparring for Digital Transformation

Logosworld is a company whose mission is to teach enterprise decision makers the essential knowledge about technology. Therefore we conduct regularly seminars or technology briefings on recent topics.

We offer seminars and training on several levels. Chimney Talks Technology Briefing We call them chimney talks since the original idea was to gather for a dinner or an evening get-together  and to use this time to listen to the latest information in a very relaxed atmosphere. Cross-Table Dinner Cross-Table dinners are dinner events where the seating at tables is re-shuffled after each course. That way the people sitting on the same table vary during the course of the dinner and allows to make many acquaintance and listen to differing opinions at a single event.  And in between the courses there will be talks and presentations on current topics and trends.

Technology Enablement Seminars

There are seminars with a duration  of one to three days to discuss deeper the essentials of certain technologies. These seminars are intended for project and programme managers who need to understand the technology they come across in their projects to follow the technical discussion rounds and to make sound decisions. 

Project Crew Building

A team is only a team when it adheres to common practices and rites. Our team building seminars teach the practices in customized seminars that are tailored to the circumstances of the future or already ongoing project.

QM2 Seminars

They are called QM2 since they originally took place during a transatlantic passage of the passenger cruise ship Queen Marry II - one of the largest ships in the world that avails of the finest conferencing facilities equipped with technology that play in the top league of international convention centres. The seminars are designed to enable the teams of large and global projects for their future tasks. They teach the goals of the mission and work out common agreements for cooperation while teaching rules and etiquette of large team project collaboration.